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Friday, April 13, 2018

Spring Spotlight

Spring has sprung! I apologize for the lapse in blog updates. There is just so many great things happening on a daily basis that sometimes keeping track of everything to share gets lost in the shuffle. In order to better keep families updated I am going to try a new platform for sharing classroom happenings. When we get back from vacation please look for paper invites that will tell you about the new platform and how to access it! I'm excited to share MORE of our learning with you!

Writing Update!

Children have been hard at work sharing their opinions about their collections. We have worked on how to write opinion writing well through the use of a checklist. Children have learned how to share their opinion, give details, and bolster their arguments. We will continue this kind of writing when we are back from break.

Math Update!

We continue to work hard on understanding place value and working efficiently to solve various mathematical problems. Children continue to use manipulative such as place value blocks and tools such as hundreds boards to count, practice conservation of number, and solidify the concepts such as adding and subtracting by 10's. When we get back from break we will begin to work on money including names and values of coins, equivalent amounts, and counting change to a dollar.

Science Update!

We have been little scientists in our class this spring! Children have been learning about plant structure and function. We planted different types of seeds and observed their growth over time. We learned how roots soak up nutrients from soil and water and that leaves make food. We learned that without these essential structures seeds cannot grow and plants cannot thrive. When we get back from April vacation we will continue to learn about plants and animals by learning more about the variations in animals as well as the kind of living things found in and around our environment.

Working in groups to compare wheat seed growth:

Observing and recording changes in their alfalfa and rye grass:

Planting wheat seeds without soil!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and restful spring break whether traveling or staying home! Here's a picture of our class celebrating their well deserved reward for whole group expected behavior!

Happy Spring