We started our week learning about some of the centers that children would be working on weekly. Our first center practice was the poem center. We learned the poem First Grade Cheer. After we sang it together we filled in the missing parts. Then children read it to a friend and illustrated it for their poem notebook. Enjoy!
We also tackled the start of writer's workshop. We started by reading a really cute story called Night Of the Veggie Monster by George McClements, about a boy who hates eating peas so much that as soon one touches his mouth he turns into a veggie monster. It turns out in the end that peas really aren't so bad.
The class really liked it and it helped inspire quite a few small moment stories. Over the next few weeks children will learn to plan out stories, add details, and even begin to self edit. But for now we are learning about using writer's workshop pens and finding our writing folders :)
Our final workshop (for now!) was an introduction to reader's workshop. Our first lesson was to learn that there are 3 ways to read a story. You can read the words, read the pictures, or retell a familiar story. On day 1 we modeled and practiced the first two. The children could not wait to browse our book buckets and practice reading the words and pictures. Reader's workshop will soon evolve into a more independent reading time, but for now it's a chance to get to know and engage with our classroom library.
Hope you enjoyed just a few of the highlights from our week! Keep checking back!