Well, I can confidently say that these first graders have gotten into the groove of school, of routines, and of our daily schedule! It feels really good to have that first week under our belts. I hope your children are sharing a few of the things we do, but in case you get 1 word answers or "I don't knows" read on to find out about our focus this week.
We are continuing to establish expectations by filling our room with class created anchor charts and modeling what to do (and to their utter delight what not to do!) As we continue to build our reading, writing, and math stamina children are strengthening their muscle memory for learning.
Children use this flow chart to help them navigate the morning routine. I find visuals are always a great way for children to gain independence throughout their day |
After reading several stories we came up with these "promises" to create the best learning community we could. We refer to our pledge often! |
These are some of the anchor charts that help remind children of expectations during our literacy block. During "Read to Self" we are building independent reading stamina. So far we are up to 7 minutes! |
This week during our literacy block children were introduced to some of our working with words center activities. During centers children rotate through literacy activities while I meet with leveled reading groups.
Children are reading a poem and filling in the missing words at the poem center. I love my Smart Board and so do the kids. This is just 1 of the many ways we utilize this smart technology. |
At the Read Around the Room center children write words from around the room that fit specific clues. Today children were finding names on the word wall that start the same. Notice the star letters in the background? Those are our vowels. We practiced them by doing a little vowel song and dance to the Macarena....remember that song?! Ask your child to demonstrate, then practice along with them ;) |
Children are playing a word game called Moose! at the puzzles and games center. They pick a stick and read the word on the stick until someone picks the word Moose! Then all the word sticks get put back in the cup and the game starts all over. It's a fun and silly way to practice reading word family words.
During math we have begun work on accurate counting strategies, comparing, quantities, and solving simple addition problems. The children have played several games that allow them to explore and practice these skills in tactile ways. We are also beginning strategy work when adding including counting on quickly when adding 1, 2, or 3. These are all skills that we will continue to strengthen. For now we're relying heavily on manipulatives.
Children worked on a class number line. Each child was assigned a number. After writing their number they drew a corresponding picture. We talked about efficient ways to keep track of how many things they drew. Some kids had quite the challenge! Love how organized these came out.

Math partners are playing a game of Compare with cards. They each flip a card and then the person with the biggest number wins. It's pretty similar to another card game played with a deck of cards.
Another version of Compare but with dot cards instead of number cards. |
This activity is called Staircases. Children build towers of Unifix cubes from 1 to 12 then put them in order smallest to largest creating a ..... staircase! |
A game of Collect 20 in which children roll a dice a collect that many counters. They continue taking turns and adding until they reach 20.
There is our week at a glance! Just a few reminders...PIN night is next Tuesday beginning at 6:30. Online Scholastic orders are due on the 15th. Environmental print homework is also due on the 15th. The first math homework assignment went home. Please aim to complete homework within the week it was assigned.