What a great first week we are having here in room 27! I have been so impressed with how well these children have transitioned from summer to school. They are coming in ready to get started each day, helping each other out, and being so kind and respectful. I just know we will keep this momentum going throughout the year! Even though we haven't been in school all that long we have already gotten busy. I am so excited to share some of the things we are doing to get to know each other, to build a community, and to learn important routines.
A few highlights from the week:
Using materials in our maker space tubs and our imaginations |
Getting creative with pattern blocks during math exploration |
Working on our numbers and our best handwriting |
Mingling around the room to find friends who.... (like pizza, have a sister, like books...) |
Exploring the book buckets in our classroom library
Drawing and writing about our day and our new friends |
Using whiteboards to practice our letter sounds |
Of course these are just a few of the things we have been working on! We have read lots of books about school, created a list of class rules, interviewed each other to learn about our new friends, and had lots of great discussions about our hopes and dreams for the year! I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about our first days. Check back again soon for more highlights of our learning!