Reader's Theater
We kicked off our week with yet another reader's theater performance from a reading group. We really showcased our fluency practice by demonstrating expression with our reading. We practiced re-reading to gain momentum. Re-reading is one of our newest CAFE strategy cards. We also added a fluency strategy called Adjust reading rate. Good reader's adjust their rate of reading depending on their reading purpose. We compared our rate of reading to speed gears on a car!
Mr. Wolf Leaves Town
We are onto liquids this month! Much like our solids unit, this is very hands on. We started by comparing white glue and water. Children used their fingers to feel the liquids and then discussed ways that these 2 liquids are the same and different. They look, feel, and move very differently. we will spend the next few weeks exploring other liquids and comparing and contrasting their properties. Lots of messy fun!
Writer's Workshop
We had a mini-celebration to acknowledge the hard work the children put into their teaching books. We spent some time editing and then we hunkered down with each other's stories and learned about everything from trains to cheetahs! Next up we will begin our teaching chapter books! Children have already thought of a topic and have even begun filling in their table of contents with chapter titles. These are going to be so good! I cant wait to share ;-)
Ten is your friend is the mantra this week. Our math games, story problems, and strategy discussions are centered around combinations and equations that equal 10. Children need to gain fluency in their facts to ten...this is an important step in understanding the concept of place value which we will be working on shortly.
Counters in a Cup
How Many am I Hiding?
Make 20