Writer's Workshop
We started our week with an Author's Celebration! Children got to share their published stories with the rest of the class. It was magic!
As children read each others stories they signed the author's keepsake paper. The author's were just so proud!! I hope you got to enjoy their take home stories too!
We've started a new unit in science where children will learn all about solids and liquids. So far this week children have hypothesized about what they think makes something a solid. Lots of great ideas to start the process. Over the next few weeks children will explore a set of solids and learn about their properties. Today we learned about color and shape.
Our new unit in math is all about collecting and representing data. We'll also practice how to sort and classify shapes and objects based on attributes, which ties in really nicely with our science! To start the unit children looked at a set of power polygon shapes.
Polygons are 2-dimensional shapes. They are made of straight lines, and the shape is "closed" (all the lines connect up).
We then sorted the shapes by attributes that the class came up with including shape, color, size, and number of sides. We've also begun a new routine called 'Quick Surveys." Children will respond to a survey question, such as did you drink milk today? We'll represent their answers using pictures, numbers, words.... then analyze the results. This is great critical thinking with a focus on math talk!
Learning about attributes....
We've started a new unit in science where children will learn all about solids and liquids. So far this week children have hypothesized about what they think makes something a solid. Lots of great ideas to start the process. Over the next few weeks children will explore a set of solids and learn about their properties. Today we learned about color and shape.
Our new unit in math is all about collecting and representing data. We'll also practice how to sort and classify shapes and objects based on attributes, which ties in really nicely with our science! To start the unit children looked at a set of power polygon shapes.
Polygons are 2-dimensional shapes. They are made of straight lines, and the shape is "closed" (all the lines connect up).
We then sorted the shapes by attributes that the class came up with including shape, color, size, and number of sides. We've also begun a new routine called 'Quick Surveys." Children will respond to a survey question, such as did you drink milk today? We'll represent their answers using pictures, numbers, words.... then analyze the results. This is great critical thinking with a focus on math talk!
Learning about attributes....
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Sorting by shape |
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Sorting by color |
I truly can't believe that Thanksgiving is 1 week away!! Next week is such a short week....the focus will be on the holiday. So far we've read a few stories that helped us compare Thanksgiving long ago and today. We located the Mayflower on our class timeline and learned it was actually Abraham Lincoln who declared the third Thursday of November as Thanksgiving.
Next Tuesday we also get a special treat.. our class will be part of the audience at Mrs. Paget's annual Thanksgiving play, where we learn even more about the Pilgrim's voyage to New England!
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Children drew pictures to compare the Pilgrim's Thanksgiving celebration with their own. No cranberry sauce back then :) |
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family both near and far! Enjoy the time with loved ones and especially all the yummy foods!