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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Projects, Opinions, and Fractions

Busy!!! The month of May is packed! We're finally enjoying the weather (on a more consistent basis). Weekend updates are buzzing with talk of lacrosse, t-ball, and outside play. Graduation, First Communions, Memorial Day...Oh my! Although Monday mornings are getting just a tiny bit harder, we are still busy filling our minds with all kinds of learning.

Last week we worked on a great Inquiry Project at the library with Mrs. Groden. She was kind enough to share the link with is. We'll be showing our finished product at our Open House (PLEASE SAVE THE DATE FRIDAY, JUNE 6TH 9-10). During math this week we have been learning all about fractions. We read a few great books and shared some cake equally among friends, (unfortunately  it was made of just paper :). During Writer's workshop we are starting Persuasive Writing. Thank you so much for helping your child bring in a collection to write about!

Check out some of the highlights from our busy week!

Here is a link to Mrs. Groden's post. Enjoy!

http://t.co/kNQfgKrF9d ]goo.gl/u7lCrL

During  this unit children will understand a fraction as equal parts of a whole. They will recognize the difference between equal and unequal parts. They will understand and demonstrate how to share something in halves and in fourths. They will also understand that decomposing fractions creates smaller pieces. For example you'd rather share 1/2 of a brownie than 1/4!
We learned a whole is 1 complete thing and that halves are 2 equal parts
and fourths are four equal parts of a whole. 

Then we shared a cake by folding it in half and in quarters.

We also played games filling halves and quarters of whole shapes.

Writer's Workshop
In this unit, children are working on expressing an opinion about something and then giving multiple reasons for their opinion. They are learning to convince their reader by using wording such as for example, and, and because. Below, children are working on judging their collections by lining them up and comparing each thing carefully.

Here, children are reading each other's "best in show," then writing about whether they agree or disagree.

And finally...we had a lovely Reader's Theater of The Little Red Hen.

GREAT job girls!!