"Habitat Habitat...Have to Have a Habitat! Have to have a habitat to carry on!!" sung to the tune of "Lollipop,Lollipop." It's one of our newer poems and it's a very catch tune! It's also the main topic of science over the last couple of weeks. We are learning all about organisms and their habitats. We've created 2 habitats of our own;
freshwater and woodland. We even had a visitor from Stony Brook that helped us learn a little more about some of the habitats we'll be exploring on our upcoming field trip including;
the pond, forest, and meadow.
Let's Observe....
A group looks closely at moss and a tree seedling and records their observations in their science journal. |
This group is looking at all of the organisms in our aquarium. We have plants called Elodea and Cabomba as well as guppies and snails. |
This group is noticing the differences between the woodland (or forest) plants and recording their ideas on a Venn Diagram. |
Pond snails! We wondered what do they look like, how do they move, what parts do they have??
A Visit from Stony Brook
Learning about what organisms need in their habitats |
Learning which habitats we'll get to see when we visit Stony Brook |
Groups Working to create and share posters of habitats
Finally....a special friend!