We had a visitor this week! Mrs. Goldstein, our school psychologist, came in to teach us about whole body listening.
She taught us that we do our best learning when we are using our whole body. Ask your child which parts of their body are on a which are off when they are demonstrating whole body listening. Hint: green is on and red is off.
Writer's Workshop
We are learning more and more of the author's craft! This week we focused on bringing our stories to life by unfreezing our characters. We do this by making our characters move and talk.
Literature Connection
Over the next few weeks we will be reading a variety of Gingerbread stories. As we read them we are comparing story elements including character traits, setting, and endings.
During our art center we made our own gingerbread person by following directions on a glyph. During work on writing time each child chose a gingerbread person ( other than themselves) and wrote what they learned about that person from their gingerbread glyph. It was a great learning experience!
In January we will be collaborating with Mrs. Groden and creating our own gingerbread adventure, which we will then share with another class somewhere in the U.S! It's called The Global Gingerbread Family Collaborative. Stay tuned for more info on this in early 2014!
Mystery Reader!
Raz kids
This a fantastic home/school reading connection. If you have not already registered please use the link below to do so. Your child will be able to visit a personalized virtual book room with books that are at their personal reading level. They will get to listen to, read, record reading, and take comprehension quizzes using books that are at their independent level. Most of the time they will be able to choose freely from the book room, but at times they will have an assignment from me. Be sure to check the "messages" and happy reading!!