What does it really mean to be a
mathematician? Math is all about thinking and mathematicians think about and solve problems in the most efficient way. In first grade we spend a lot of time talking math! Sharing and learning from each other is a key element in our math program. I'm always so impressed at the math thinking I see, even in October! Here are 2 examples of how a first grader might go about solving an addition problem.
Building stamina is all about being able to do something longer and better. Building reading stamina is all about becoming a better reader. Independent reading or "Read to Self" is an important daily routine in first grade. Ask your child the 3 ways they can read a book.
After brainstorming and modeling correct, (and incorrect read to self behaviors-think very silly and lots of first grade laughter!),we were ready to start building our reading stamina. We started with just 3 minutes. Each day we'll add 1 minute until we reach our goal of 15 minutes of sustained independent reading. We can do it!!
Very Special Project!!
Thanks to the generosity of
Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP and Christopher Kido (Addie's Dad) our class has been given the funding for an incredible project. Within the next few weeks we will be receiving an
Epson Document Camera. This tool will bring instruction to life and can be used to enhance curriculum in countless ways. One of our first projects with the document camera will be to dive into the world on non-fiction text. I will keep you all updated as the project progresses. Stay tuned but in the meanwhile check out the link below.
Give 1st Graders A Birds Eye View with A Document Camera
Extra! Extra!
Thanks to our very first mystery reader, who came with a wonderful selection of books that the children loved! |
Another addition to the library pumpkin patch |
Sharing her American Girl Doll, the accompanying book and......... |
matching hairdos!!! |
Sharing a special stuffed shark straight from the aquarium |
Open Mic Friday Reader's: