It was great meeting so many of you at PIN! I love being able to share all we do with you. I hope you found it all informative. I've really enjoyed reading your "You're the Expert" papers. It's great to gain the insights only you as parents have. If you haven't filled one out yet-please do!
This week it feels as if we have really begun to settle into routines. I keep telling my kiddos they are "knocking my socks off!" I am so impressed with how well they are working together. It makes for a wonderful learning environment. Speaking of learning....we did a lot of that this week too!
Reader's workshop is up and running! I have some highlights of children hard at work at literacy centers below. Writer's workshop has taken off as well. Thank you for sending in those topic lists! In math we are starting to combine numbers (adding) as we play some number games and solve some simple story problems. During Open Circle this week we talked about "DDD" or "triple D" behaviors. The D's stand for dangerous, destructive, or disrespectful. Ask your child what to do if they see a DDD behavior. Answer-tell a teacher right away!!
Working hard in her writing journal. Each week children pick a sentence starter and complete the sentence in their journal. |
The art center takes place on Fridays. Here a group is working on a fall leaf collage. |
At the listening center this week children are focusing on their favorite part. |
Open Mic Fridays!!! |
Partners playing Roll and Record. A math game that involves rolling two dice and adding them together. |
Hard at work recording equations in their math workbook |