I'm so excited to be sharing this first ever blog with you. I can't wait to be seeing you all again in the coming days. I hope you have enjoyed your summer. I'm looking forward to having you share your favorite summer memories with me. I've had a wonderful summer, in fact I've been home since February with my brand new baby boy Cameron and his big 4 year old brother Ryan. As hard as it is to leave summer behind I am energized for a brand new (and fabulous) school year!
We'll spend time at the beginning of the year getting to know each other. Here are some facts about me that you might find interesting:
Favorite color: green
Favorite season: summer, but the fall is a close second
Favorite holiday: it's a tie; Christmas and 4th of July (I love fireworks and cookouts!)
Favorite children's book: The Tub People by Pam Conrad (Ryan's favorite bedtime stories)
Favorite snack: pita chips and hummus (we make our own pita chips-so tasty!)
Favorite sport: hockey, but I grew up playing soccer (my dad was my coach)
Pets: an adorable chocolate lab named Cooper and a cool as can be kitty name Blue (both pets are boys, plus my 2 sons and Mr. Elrick make me the ONLY girl in the house!!)
Summer vacations: The Cape and Nantucket (2 of my most favorite places to visit)
Family favorites: going to sporting events, (we have been known to be in the stands cheering on the Medfield Warriors hockey team), growing things in our little garden (our blueberry "bush" was a favorite for picking this summer), cooking and experimenting with new recipes (Ryan is a great taste tester), family movie nights and taking Coop for nature walks!
Hopefully this helped you get to know me better. Do we have anything in common? Anything surprising? Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the first day of school!
And Parents here's a special note for you :)
This is my first ever experience blogging and I'm really looking forward to enhancing home school communication with this tool. But PLEASE bare with me...I know I will have some good weeks, some not so good weeks, and hopefully some really great weeks. My plan is to share important happenings, curriculum updates, and everyday learning with you via a weekly blog. I will try to be consistent with my posts, but there may be a bit of a learning curve.
Looking Forward to a fun filled year of memories all Made in First Grade
Mrs. Elrick