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Friday, January 27, 2017

Reader's Theater Highlights

We had a special Friday with 2 reader's theaters! That means 2 groups of readers got to show off their hard work. We practiced reading these scripts daily to improve our fluency and boy did it show! Both groups did a great job with their rate, phrasing, and expression. Hope you enjoy!

The Three Little Pigs 
Read by: Jackson, Liam, Maddie, and Sammie

The three Billy Goats Gruff  
Read by: Isabella, Fiona, Gracie, and Eddie

Once our groups had shown off their super reading we had a great discussion comparing both tales. We noticed similarities in structure and story elements. We compared characters and endings and found that both stories followed a similar pattern. Overall it was a very thoughtful think aloud!

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Friday, January 20, 2017

Solids and Liquids

We had some great hands on science learning happening this week! Thanks to all of the parent helpers that came in to help run our centers! Our class teamed up with Mrs. Herring's and Mrs. Pollock's classes for some collaborative discovery. We had 4 centers each dedicated to a testing out a property of a solid. Here are a few highlights from our science day,

Roll and Stack
At this center children tested out their solids to see whether they could roll, stack, or do both. We learned that rolling and stacking are properties of solids. Children showed their learning on a Venn Diagram.

Sink or Float
At this center, children made predictions about which solids would float in water and which would sink. They then tested each solid and checked their original guess. They made some surprising discoveries.

At this center, children tested their solids against magnets. They learned that some solids are magnetic, while other's are not. They learned that a solid is magnetic depending on the material that it is made out of. They then sorted paper solids on a t-chart.

At this center, children tested how different solids feel by determining how hard they were. They sorted them from most hard to least hard and found that some solids were equally as hard. 

Hope you enjoyed learning about solids with us!! Our next science unit is all about liquids so stay tuned!

Image result for solids and liquids clipart

Friday, January 6, 2017

Reader's Theater Spotlight

We got to enjoy our first Reader's Theater today! Reader's Theater is a form of read aloud that engages children and promotes fluency. Children read aloud from a script or book to the class while demonstrating accurate reading, expression, and intonation. 

Today's group read the story The Picnic retold by Jenny Feely. This story is a Goldilocks play. The children were so excited to share their reading with the class! They practiced making their reading sound like talking, attending to punctuation, and reading clearly and accurately for their audience (the rest of our class.) 

After they finished reading the audience complimented the group on how well they read and how good they sounded! All groups will have a chance to participate in a reader's theater experience, but for now please enjoy round 1!

Great job Vivi, Nate, Rose, MJ, and Malachy!